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Enrich with ClearBit

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Installing a custom flow step requires Admin permissions in Marketo. Apart from the Installation URL, all other aspects of a serviced may be edited after completing initial onboarding by drilling down into the service detail screen from the Service Providers grid.

In Marketo navigate to Admin → Service Providers and click Add New Service

From here, follow the bellow steps to install and configure the flow step.

Outbound Fields

The Enrich with Clearbit flow step uses set outbound fields. Below are the person fields that are sent to the flow step based on the mapping you set.

NameAPI NameTypeDescription
Email Address to searchemailemailEmail Address to search
IP Addressip_addressstringIP Address to include in search
Inbound Fields

The Enrich with Clearbit flow step uses set inbound fields. Below are the fields that are returned from the flow step and can be written to the person based on the mapping you set.

NameSuggested Marketo FieldDescription
person.idpersonIdClearbit's internal identifier for the person. person's first name. person's last name. person's full name. This may exist even if the givenName or familyName aren't available.
person.emailpersonEmailThe person's email.
person.locationpersonLocationThe city, state, and country where the person lives.
person.timeZonepersonTimeZoneThe person's time zone based on their location. See all possible values.
person.utcOffsetpersonUtcOffsetThe difference in hours from the person's time zone to UTC (-12 to 14).
person.geo.citypersonCityThe city the person lives in based on their location.
person.geo.statepersonStateThe state the person lives in based on their location.
person.geo.stateCodepersonGeoStateCodeThe state code of the state the person lives in based on their location.
person.geo.countrypersonGeoCountryThe country the person lives in based on their location.
person.geo.countryCodepersonGeoCountryCodeThe country code of the country the person lives in based on their location.
person.geo.latpersonGeoLatThe latitude based on the person's location.
person.geo.lngpersonGeoLngThe longitude based on the person's location.
person.biopersonBioThe person's bio surfaced through their own social media accounts.
person.sitepersonSiteThe person's website surfaced through their own social media accounts.
person.avatarpersonAvatarThe person's profile picture surfaced through their own social media accounts.
person.employment.domainpersonEmploymentDomainThe domain of the company the person works for.
person.employment.namepersonEmploymentNameThe name of the company the person works for.
person.employment.titlepersonEmploymentTitleThe person's title at the company they work for.
person.employment.rolepersonEmploymentRoleThe person's standardized role at the company they work for based on their title. See all possible values.
person.employment.subRolepersonEmploymentSubroleThe person's standardized sub role at the company they work for based on their title. See all possible values.
person.employment.senioritypersonEmploymentSeniorityThe person's standardized seniority at the company they work for based on their title. See all possible values.
person.facebook.handlepersonFacebookHandleThe person's Facebook profile username (e.g. amaccaw).
person.github.handlepersonGithubHandleThe person's GitHub profile username (e.g. maccman).
person.github.idpersonGithubIdThe ID of the person's GitHub profile.
person.github.avatarpersonGithubAvatarThe profile picture of the person's GitHub profile.
person.github.companypersonGithubCompanyThe company the person works for as listed on their GitHub profile.
person.github.blogpersonGithubBlogThe person's website as listed on their GitHub profile.
person.github.followerspersonGithubFollowersThe number of followers the person has on GitHub.
person.github.followingpersonGithubFollowingThe number of people the person follows on GitHub.
person.twitter.handlepersonTwitterHandleThe person's Twitter profile username (e.g. maccaw).
person.twitter.idpersonTwitterIdThe ID of the person's Twitter profile.
person.twitter.biopersonTwitterBioThe person's bio as listed on their Twitter profile.
person.twitter.followerspersonTwitterFollowersThe number of followers the person has on Twitter.
person.twitter.followingpersonTwitterFollowingThe number of people the person follows on Twitter.
person.twitter.statusespersonTwitterStatusesThe number of tweets the person has shared on Twitter.
person.twitter.favoritespersonTwitterFavoritesThe number of tweets the person has liked on Twitter.
person.twitter.locationpersonTwitterLocationThe person's location as listed on their Twitter profile.
person.twitter.sitepersonTwitterSiteThe person's website as listed on their Twitter profile.
person.twitter.avatarpersonTwitterAvatarThe profile picture of the person's Twitter profile.
person.linkedin.handlepersonLinkedinHandleThe last section of the person's LinkedIn profile URL (e.g. in/alex-maccaw-ab592978).
person.googleplus.handlepersonGoogleplusHandleThe person's Google Plus username. This field has been deprecated.
person.gravatar.handlepersonGravatarHandleThe person's Gravatar profile username (e.g. maccman).
person.gravatar.urlspersonGravatarUrlsA list of websites listed by the person on their Gravatar profile.
person.gravatar.avatarpersonGravatarAvatarThe profile picture of the person's Gravatar profile.
person.gravatar.avatarspersonGravatarAvatarsA list of pictures listed by the person on their Gravatar profile.
person.fuzzypersonFuzzyIndicates whether the person's search was fuzzy or an exact match.
person.emailProviderpersonEmailProviderIndicates whether the person's email domain is associated with a free email provider (e.g. Gmail). Useful for distinguishing between personal emails and work emails.
person.indexedAtpersonIndexedAtTimestamp indicating when the person's record was last updated in Clearbit's database. A record update may or may not include new information about the person.
person.phonepersonPhoneThe person's phone number.
person.activeAtpersonActiveAtTimestamp indicating when Clearbit detected the person's email became active.
person.inactiveAtpersonInactiveAtTimestamp indicating when Clearbit detected the person's email became inactive.
company.idcompanyIdClearbit's internal identifier for the company.
company.namecompanyNameThe company's name.
company.legalNamecompanyLegalNameThe company's legal name.
company.domaincompanyDomainThe company's website.
company.domainAliasescompanyDomainAliasesA list of domains that redirect to the company's main website. list of phone numbers listed on the company's website. list of email addresses listed on the company's website.
company.category.sectorcompanyCategorySectorThe broadest tier of company industry classification.
company.category.industryGroupcompanyCategoryIndustryGroupThe second tier of company industry classification.
company.category.industrycompanyCategoryIndustryThe third tier of company industry classification.
company.category.subIndustrycompanyCategorySubIndustryThe most specific tier of company industry classification.
company.category.sicCodecompanyCategorySicCodeThe two digit company Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code.
company.category.naicsCodecompanyCategoryNaicsCodeThe two digit company North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.
company.tagscompanyTagsA list of company vertical descriptors.
company.descriptioncompanyDescriptionThe company's description.
company.foundedYearcompanyFoundedYearThe year the company was founded.
company.locationcompanyLocationThe company headquarters address.
company.timeZonecompanyTimeZoneThe company's time zone based on their location.
company.utcOffsetcompanyUtcOffsetThe difference in hours from the company's time zone to UTC (-12 to 14).
company.geo.streetNumbercompanyGeoStreetNumberThe street number of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.streetNamecompanyGeoStreetNameThe street name of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.subPremisecompanyGeoSubPremiseThe suite number of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.streetAddresscompanyGeoStreetAddressThe street address of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.citycompanyGeoCityThe city of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.postalCodecompanyGeoPostalCodeThe postal code of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.statecompanyGeoStateThe state of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.stateCodecompanyGeoStateCodeThe state code of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.countrycompanyGeoCountryThe country of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.countryCodecompanyGeoCountryCodeThe country code of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.latcompanyGeoLatThe latitude of the company headquarters based on their location.
company.geo.lngcompanyGeoLngThe longitude of the company headquarters based on the their location.
company.logocompanyLogoThe company's logo.
company.facebook.handlecompanyFacebookHandleThe company's Facebook page username (e.g. clearbitinc).
company.facebook.likescompanyFacebookLikesThe number of likes the company has on their Facebook page.
company.linkedin.handlecompanyLinkedinHandleThe last section of the company's LinkedIn page URL (e.g. company/clearbit).
company.twitter.handlecompanyTwitterHandleThe company's Twitter profile username (e.g. clearbit).
company.twitter.idcompanyTwitterIdThe ID of the company's Twitter profile.
company.twitter.biocompanyTwitterBioThe company's bio as listed on their Twitter profile.
company.twitter.followerscompanyTwitterFollowersThe number of followers the company has on Twitter.
company.twitter.followingcompanyTwitterFollowingThe number of people the company follows on Twitter.
company.twitter.locationcompanyTwitterLocationThe company's location as listed on their Twitter profile.
company.twitter.sitecompanyTwitterSiteThe company's website as listed on their Twitter profile.
company.twitter.avatarcompanyTwitterAvatarThe profile picture of the company's Twitter profile.
company.crunchbase.handlecompanyCrunchbaseHandleThe last section of the company's Crunchbase profile page URL (e.g. organization/clearbit).
company.emailProvidercompanyEmailProviderIndicates whether the company's email domain is associated with a free email provider (e.g. Gmail).
company.typecompanyTypeThe company's type. See all possible values.
company.tickercompanyTickerThe company's stock symbol. This attribute is available for public companies only.
company.identifiers.usEINcompanyIdentifiersUseinThe company's US Employer Identification Number (EIN).
company.phonecompanyPhoneThe company headquarters phone number.
company.metrics.alexaUsRankcompanyMetricsAlexaUsRankThe company's standing in a US rank of company website traffic as calculated by Alexa. This field has been deprecated. Please use trafficRank instead.
company.metrics.alexaGlobalRankcompanyMetricsAlexaGlobalRankThe company's standing in a global rank of company website traffic as calculated by Alexa. This field has been deprecated. Please use trafficRank instead.
company.metrics.trafficRankcompanyMetricsTrafficRankThe company's standing in a global rank of company website traffic calculated by Clearbit. See all possible values.
company.metrics.employeescompanyMetricsEmployeesThe total number of employees that work at the company.
company.metrics.employeesRangecompanyMetricsEmployeesRangeThe number of employees that work at the company by range. Useful for segmenting companies by size. See all possible values.
company.metrics.marketCapcompanyMetricsMarketCapThe company's total market capitalization. This attribute is available for public companies only.
company.metrics.raisedcompanyMetricsRaisedThe total amount of funding raised by the company.
company.metrics.annualRevenuecompanyMetricsAnnualRevenueThe company's annual revenue. This attribute is available for public companies only.
company.metrics.estimatedAnnualRevenuecompanyMetricsEstimatedAnnualRevenueAn estimate of the company's annual revenue by range. See all possible values.
company.metrics.fiscalYearEndcompanyMetricsFiscalYearEndThe month that the company's fiscal year ends (listed as integer 1-12).
company.indexedAtcompanyIndexedAtTimestamp indicating when the company's record was last updated in Clearbit's database. A record update may or may not include new information about the company.
company.techcompanyTechA list of technologies used by the company listed by technology.
company.techCategoriescompanyTechCategoriesA list of technologies used by the company listed by technology.
company.parent.domaincompanyParentDomainThe domain of the company's parent company (if any)
company.ultimateParent.domaincompanyUltimateParentDomainThe domain of the company's ultimate parent company (if any)
Global Configuration Fields

Global user inputs that are passed along with every call to the Enrich with Clearbit flow step service. Global attributes can be set during installation or updated from the Service Provider admin menu.

NameAPI NameTypeDescription
Clearbit API Keyapi_tokenstringClearbit API Key
Flow Step Fields

These fields are set for each individual instance of the Enrich with Clearbit flow step and are sent per-lead when it is called.

NameAPI NameTypeDescription
Use IP Addressuse_ip_addressbooleanUse the ip address entered in the outbound section
Context Data

Program ContextData about the program where the flow step was triggered including name, id, type, workspace etc.
Campaign ContextData about the campaign where the flow step was triggered, including name, id, type, status, etc.
Trigger ContextContext around the trigger that initiated the smart campaign where the flow step was called. No data is sent if the flow step was called in a batch campaign.
Subscription ContextGeneral data about the subscription including munchkinId and name

Flow Step

Once the Enrich with ClearBit flow step is installed it becomes available in smart campaigns.

1 - Enrich with Clearbit
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Trigger & Filter

Once the Enrich with ClearBit flow step is in use the activity can be used as a trigger or a filter inside smart lists and smart campaigns.

Is enriched with Clearbit
1 - Was enriched with ClearBit
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